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Saturday, May 30, 2020


Dearly Beloved, TOMORROW WILL TAKE CARE OF ITSELF “Don’t worry about tomorrow. It will take care of itself. You have enough to worry about today” (Matthew 6:34 CEV). As we were having our breakfast in my family some days ago, I set apart some of the food items and instructed my family members not to touch it because I intended to use it as my breakfast the following day. My wife jokingly wondered why I would be thinking of another day when the family members have not eaten to satisfaction for the day. Obviously, I was worried about getting a ready-made food for the breakfast of the following day because I planned to leave the house early for an engagement outside my home that day. Before the end of the day, a family friend visited our family and brought more than enough food items for us that I can readily be used for the breakfast the following day. When the visitor left, my wife referred to the kept food items and the newly brought items. She commented that if I had believed God would provide the new items, I would not have kept the remnant in anticipation for the following day. My wife was right, and I learned a lesson of life from that incident: “Don’t worry about tomorrow. It will take care of itself. You have enough to worry about today” (Matthew 6:34 CEV). Those are the words of the Lord Jesus Christ as He concluded His admonition on worrying. He had earlier given people reasons why they should not worry about their life in relations to what they would eat, drink or wear. He told them that their lives are far more than food, and their bodies are far more than clothing. If God can be taking care of the birds of the air that neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, God will take care of people that are far more valuable to Him than the birds. This does not mean that one should not care about these things because they are unimportant, but rather it means that our care for them should not belittle God who can provide all these things. It is also a pointer to having total trust in God as one cares for having these things. Since God knows that human beings need all these things, He wants them to look unto Him for their provision. People are urged not to worry because they were not the creators of themselves, and they cannot add a day to their life’s span. If no one can bring himself forth, and no one can prolong the number of his/her days on earth, then, no one should worry unduly about these things. Worrying cannot solve people’s problems. It rather adds to the problems. While is good to be proactive and provide for one’s future needs, it is far better not to worry about the future, but have total trust in God who can provide one’s needs even before one asks for them. Tomorrow will indeed take care of itself! In His service, Bayo Afolaranmi (Pastor). Prayer Point: Pray for the grace not to worry about anything, but to have trust in God who can provide your needs even before you ask for them.

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