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Saturday, June 1, 2019


Dearly Beloved, HAS GOD GIVEN YOU UP? “For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature. Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due” (Romans 1:26-27 NKJV). On three occasions in Romans Chapter One, Apostle Paul said that God gave up some people to “uncleanness” (verse 24), “vile passions” (verse 26), and “a debased mind” (verse 28). These are people that: 1) dishonor their bodies among themselves in the lusts of their hearts, and exchange the truth of God for lie by worshipping and serving created things instead of the Creator; 2) exchange the natural things for what is against the nature by burning their lust against one another; and 3) do things that are not fitting as listed in verses 29-32. Since these people refuse to acknowledge God and abide by His natural and divine rules, they can no longer reason correctly, rather, they indulge in justifying their unclean, vile and debased actions. Unfortunately, they have won many other people unto their side. No wonder, there are many nefarious activities on earth today that some nations have even legalized. One of such activities is sodomy or homosexuality. I had a Facebook chat with a new Facebook friend recently. From day one that this person became my friend on Facebook, I had known that he had a sinister motive for requesting for my friendship online. I deliberately played along with him to confirm my suspicion. As we were chatting, he started using terms with me that a man should be using to a woman with whom he is in love. I pointed him to the fact that he was chatting with a man. He affirmed that he knew, and that he loved me, wished he could touch me, hug me and feel my warm body against his. What baffled me most was that he referred to such acts as “nature”! Is it really natural for a man to have passion for another man? He tried to justify this by referring to people that are doing it in many parts of the world. Does the fact that many people are doing a thing make such thing right or natural? How would God not give such people up for their unclean, vile and debased minds? In spite of the fact that this guy confessed that he needed help, he later blocked me from contacting him. What are you doing that is contrary to the natural order of creation? Are you also justifying such thing because many people are doing it like you? Do not let God give you up by your actions and reasoning. Repent of your nefarious activities against natural actions. Come to His saving knowledge now. He will willingly restore you to the mutual relationship with Him. Anything short of this will incur His wrath on you sooner or later. Has God really given you up? In His service, Bayo Afolaranmi (Pastor). Prayer Point: Pray that you will be able to confess and ask for forgiveness from God in anyway you have been acting against His natural and divine rules.

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