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Saturday, January 29, 2022


Dearly Beloved, WHERE IS YOUR HOUSE? “Whoever hears these teachings of mine and obeys them is like a wise man who built his house on rock” (Matthew 7:24 ERV). In the real life, each of us has a shelter where we recess at the end of the day. A shelter is one of the basic needs of life protects us from some physical hazards. This house may belong to us permanently, or it may be rented for a period of time. No one would want to have a shelter that is not safe for habitation, so we do everything possible to secure the house. However, the truth is that every house is prone to one danger or the other. The house's location, foundation, and status will determine how the house will withstand the danger. Similarly, each of us has a spiritual cum everlasting shelter that protects us from spiritual and everlasting hazards. These hazards are inevitable (see John 16:33), but our house's location, foundation, and status will determine how the house will withstand the spiritual and everlasting hazards. As Jesus Christ was rounding off His sermon on the mount, He told a parable of two people – a wise man and a foolish man. Both of them built houses to shelter them. The houses were confronted with similar hazards. The house of the wise man could withstand the dangers while the house of the foolish man could not. The locations and foundations of each house determined their ends. While the wise man located his house on a solid foundation, the foolish man located his house on a shaky foundation. The house of the wise man withstood the test of time while the house of the foolish man could not. Where is your spiritual cum everlasting house? On what foundation did you build it? Will it withstand the test of time? In that parable, the wise man was the person who heard and obeyed Jesus Christ's teachings. In contrast, the foolish man was the person that heard but did not obey the instructions of Jesus Christ. Are you a wise man or a foolish man? The hymn writer, Edward Mote, declared, “My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus’ blood and righteousness; I dare not trust the sweetest frame, but wholly lean on Jesus’ name. On Christ, the solid Rock, I stand; all other ground is sinking sand, all other ground is sinking sand.” Where is your house? In His service, Bayo Afolaranmi (Pastor). Prayer Point: Pray that you will not be like the foolish who builds on the sand, but act like the wise who builds on Christ the Solid Rock by obeying His teachings.

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