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Saturday, September 2, 2017


Dearly Beloved, THE MAJORITY! "But the centurion, instead of listening to what Paul said, followed the advice of the pilot and of the owner of the ship. Since the harbor was unsuitable to winter in, the majority decided that we should sail on, hoping to reach Phoenix and winter there" (Acts 27:11-12 NIV). In a democratic society, majority always have their way while the minority have their say. In other words, majority carry the day while the minority are left in the cold. That is the ideal. However, at times, majority opinion or decision may be dangerous and be detriment of the whole society. Paul the apostle was in a voyage to Rome as a prisoner. It was evident that the sailing had become dangerous. So, he advised the sailors against continuing the voyage. The centurion who was leading the journey and majority of people in the ship thought otherwise. The majority had their way while Paul had his say. However, the decision of the majority nearly cost them their lives after losing everything they had in a storm that led to a shipwreck. When Moses was leading the Israelites to the Promised Land, twelve spies were sent ahead of them to the land. Ten of the spies brought bad reports while only two brought good reports. The Israelites followed the majority and rebelled against God. This made the whole generation of those people not to get to that land except the two people that brought the good reports (see Numbers 13, 14). In leadership, while it is good to listen to the view of the majority and follow it, it is better, at times, to thoughtfully consider the view of the minority. Majority may have the same view, but they are not right all the time. The majority view may be dangerous at times. Therefore, pray for the discerning spirit, especially, the leadership of the Holy Spirit, before following the majority. In His service, Bayo Afolaranmi (Pastor).
 Prayer Point: Pray for the discerning spirit, especially, the leadership of the Holy Spirit, before following the majority.

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