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Saturday, July 25, 2009


Dearly Beloved,


“Then Jesus answered, ‘Woman, you have great faith! Your request is granted.’ And her daughter was healed from that very hour” (Matthew 15:28 NIV).

Last week, I started the story of a Syrio-Phoniecian woman who came to Jesus Christ for help but faced with many obstacles. One of such obstacles was Jesus’ seeming rude answer to her plea. The woman was not discouraged with the answer. She came nearer and worshipped Jesus. Jesus’ second response (now directly to the woman) was not favourable either. He referred to her and her child as dogs! (The Jews used to refer to non-Jews as “dogs” because they considered themselves as the only ones worthy of getting favour of God.) Jesus used this common term to tell the woman that she did not merit what she was asking for. He had not completed His assignment to the Jews. However, Jesus wanted to try her faith the more. This was the fourth seeming obstacle—another psychological or emotional obstacle. (Do you still remember the first three seeming obstacles as highlighted in the first part of this message?)

The response of the woman was classic. She agreed that she was a “dog,” but she contended that even dogs could eat the fragments of food that fall from children’s table, thereby underscoring her faith that she could get a little out of the favour of God. In spite of the seeming humiliation, she believed that she could be blessed in some little way. She was so humble to get just a fragment. Jesus commended her great faith and granted her the request. The healing of her daughter “that very hour” exhibited that Jesus is ready to heal anybody that comes to Him with great faith and persistency.

What kind of obstacle are you facing as this year is gradually running to an end? Do not forget these two facts. One, delay is not denial. The fact that God does not answer our prayer the first time does not mean that He will not answer it if we persist in asking Him. He may want to know how persistent we are when we are making a request to Him. When the answers of prayer are deferred, God is thereby teaching us to pray more, and pray better. It may also be that His time for us has not come. Two, no matter the situation we may find ourselves, we must have great faith in God that He can solve our problems, and that He will solve them in His own way and in His own time. We must be ready to accept His way and time for us.

In His service,

Bayo Afolaranmi (Pastor).

This message is an abridged version of a Bible study titled “A Mother’s Faith.” You may request for the study by contacting me directly at . God bless you.

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